Learn To Launch Your Digital Course to The Masses With a 5-Day Challenge That Gets Results
Without the low attended webinars, the perfectly polished videos series or the need to spend a fortune on Advertising.
How Do I Know That a Challenge is the Answer You've Been Looking For?

Learn To Launch Your Digital Course to The Masses With a 5-Day Challenge That Gets Results
Without the low attended webinars, the perfectly polished videos series or the need to spend a fortune on Advertising.
For Online Course Creators…
How Do I Know That a Challenge is the Answer You've Been Looking For?
Easy - because I scaled my business to over 7-figures in revenue with the help of 5 day challenges...
I’ve worked with clients who took their challenges to six-figures...

And created over 7-figures in student case studies...

This. Stuff. Works.



  • Go cross-eyed just trying to visualize your launch from start to finish 
  • ​Feel overwhelmed by the gazillion pieces of the puzzle YOU need to coordinate
  • ​Fail to build momentum
  • ​Don’t know how to reach the “right” people 
  • ​Miss the boat trying to streamline your marketing efforts 








Like 99.9% of the online business owners you DON’T have the tools, 

team or budget to do a “MASSIVE” launch.

You know the launch, the one with 4 webinars, 8 VAs, a full time employee, and a six-figure ad budget...

The good news? 

You don’t have to pull off a “massive” launch to make great money! 

You don’t need…

Big webinars

​A ginormous budget for FB ads

​Enough email sequences to keep you tied to your computer for months

That’s not what you’ve been told. ...

But think about it… 

“Gurus” wouldn’t be able to take you for a ride (and take your money!) if they didn’t sell you on that idea...!


I’m here to tell you that you don’t need a million bells and whistles to have a successful launch.

There’s a LOW risk, HIGHLY effective system that’s PROVEN to work, so you can launch more in less time.
There’s a fast track to building your list, launching your program and selling without sleaze:
The 5-Day Challenge
It’s low risk. It’s as easy as ordering your favorite coffee. 

This is your chance to bypass thousand-dollar webinar software, the need for a big team and a huge budget. 

The four phase system I'm going to share with you, has literally taken people from Failed Launches to 5-Figure Challenges…

The 5-Day Challenge
It’s low risk. It’s as easy as ordering your favorite coffee. 

This is your chance to bypass thousand-dollar webinar software, the need for a big team and a huge budget. 

The four phase system I'm going to share with you, has literally taken people from Failed Launches to 5-Figure Challenges…

Now you're probably wondering…
With as little as $100 ad spend, we've seen students generating thousands of dollars in sales! You don't need deep pockets and fancy tools.
You don't need a list to launch - you can launch to build your list! We’ve had people adding 400+ people to their list in a couple of weeks WHILE making money with a challenge.
Imagine getting a THANK YOU NOTE from your challengers whaile you sell them something! It's happened to me, my students, and my clients - people WANT to connect with you. Challenges make it easy!
Know how to write an email? Post in a Facebook group? Then you have everything you need to launch. It's really that simple.
So Who The Heck Is This Guy?
My name is Zach Spuckler, and over the past 5-years I’ve spent over $450,000 in personal and client ads and I’ve managed launches ranging from $3,000 to $300,000 and I’ve found some clear patterns. Patterns that I’ve used both personally and in my consulting to create results…

Results like a Six-Figure info-product Launch for myself (Just over $173,000 to be exact) and Multiple Six-Figure Launches we’ve managed for clients.

I’ve been featured on top podcasts because of my launches like EO Fire, The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, The Mind Your Business Podcast, and The Art of Paid Traffic Podcast.

In short after making over $1.4 Million Dollars from a launch based business - I’ve been in the trenches in the front and the back of multiple businesses and I’ve seen what works.

Now I want to share what works with you...

“During my challenge, my list grew by 400 new leads in only 5 days! Not only that but I made 7 x my ad spend! Talk about a great ROI!”

John Ferera, Instagram Expert

“During my challenge, my list grew by 400 new leads in only 5 days! Not only that but I made 7 x my ad spend! Talk about a great ROI!”

John Ferera, Instagram Expert

This is THE Proven Framework to Taking Your Challenge Launches to Five-Figures Plus 

(aka it’s worked for other people, this is not just some random fluff content)

Perfect for budding online course creators, launchers that want to use a challenge, and digital business owners looking for a launch model that scales.

You’ll learn how to create a high demand challenge, so you can stop struggling to scale your course, attract more leads, and ultimately get more clients and sales.

By the time you finish using this toolkit, you’re going to have everything created to build an epic 5-day challenge launch that generates sales. Think sales email copy, challenge content, Facebook Ad fundamentals, and more.

The Toolkit is Broken Up Into 4 Core “Sections”
SECTION 1 - “LEARN” The Challenge Launch System
  • Get a complete PDF Map of the A to Z system so you can reference while you build and make sure all the move parts work together - you wouldn’t drive without a GPS, don’t launch without a launch map!
  • ​A BRIEF video training will teach you everything you need to know to implement a challenge successfully. You don’t need 10,000 videos on how to launch, you need a short but concentrated strategy session, and that’s what we’ll give you.
  • ​The “Build a Challenge” PDF that will walk you through how to develop the title, content, and concepts for your challenge - trust me, this part matters a LOT and so many get it wrong - but not you! Not with this toolkit!
SECTION 2 - “BUILD” Your Challenge Launch System For Scale
  • Access to proven opt-in page templates that will help you increase your challenge opt-in rates, grow your list, and save you time!
  • ​Get templates and sample emails that we’ve used in our challenges to get mega results - it’s not about ripping off our copy, it’s about having inspiration to work from, instead of staring at your computer screen all day!
SECTION 3 - “FILL” Your Challenge With Qualified Leads
  • Develop a complete promotional strategy with our “promote your challenge” workshop that walks you through the THREE types of leads you can generate, and how to amplify your marketing channels so you’ve got a good sized launch.
  • ​Access to the “Facebook Ads For Challenges” crash course that will show you an over the shoulder setup of a complete Facebook Ad Campaign
  • ​Jumpstart your email list and challenge with our “Small List, Big Challenge” promo that teaches you how to get a great audience in your first (second, or third) challenge even if you’ve got a smaller ads budget and no organic audience yet.
SECTION 4 - “SELL” Your Opportunity to Work Together
  • Learn how to go from “content” to “pitch” with my seamless sales bridge script that you can use to pitch your product with ease.
  • ​Get the templates for the EXACT sales emails that have generated over 7-Figures in sales for our students - because they just plain work
  • ​Discover how to promote your offer in a way that leads people to take action, increases your conversion rate, and potentially even increases the value/payments for your offer!
The Toolkit is Broken Up Into 4 Core “Sections”
SECTION 1 - “LEARN” The Challenge Launch System
  • Get a complete PDF Map of the A to Z system so you can reference while you build and make sure all the move parts work together - you wouldn’t drive without a GPS, don’t launch without a launch map!
  • ​A BRIEF video training will teach you everything you need to know to implement a challenge successfully. You don’t need 10,000 videos on how to launch, you need a short but concentrated strategy session, and that’s what we’ll give you.
  • ​The “Build a Challenge” PDF that will walk you through how to develop the title, content, and concepts for your challenge - trust me, this part matters a LOT and so many get it wrong - but not you! Not with this toolkit!
SECTION 2 - “BUILD” Your Challenge Launch System For Scale
  • Access to proven opt-in page templates that will help you increase your challenge opt-in rates, grow your list, and save you time!
  • ​Get templates and sample emails that we’ve used in our challenges to get mega results - it’s not about ripping off our copy, it’s about having inspiration to work from, instead of staring at your computer screen all day!
SECTION 3 - “FILL” Your Challenge With Qualified Leads
  • Develop a complete promotional strategy with our “promote your challenge” workshop that walks you through the THREE types of leads you can generate, and how to amplify your marketing channels so you’ve got a good sized launch.
  • ​Access to the “Facebook Ads For Challenges” crash course that will show you an over the shoulder setup of a complete Facebook Ad Campaign
  • ​Jumpstart your email list and challenge with our “Small List, Big Challenge” promo that teaches you how to get a great audience in your first (second, or third) challenge even if you’ve got a smaller ads budget and no organic audience yet.
SECTION 4 - “SELL” Your Opportunity to Work Together
  • Learn how to go from “content” to “pitch” with my seamless sales bridge script that you can use to pitch your product with ease.
  • ​Get the templates for the EXACT sales emails that have generated over 7-Figures in sales for our students - because they just plain work
  • ​Discover how to promote your offer in a way that leads people to take action, increases your conversion rate, and potentially even increases the value/payments for your offer!
Plus When You Get the Toolkit, I Throw In A Couple Bonuses Designed to Get You Into Action FAST!
BONUS #1 - The Complete Launch Checklist & 30 Day Action Plan
When it comes to launching, there are a LOT of moving pieces, and you don’t want to miss anything. From testing your tags, to writing emails, to automating said emails - this challenge launch checklist is a complete list of EVERY task that needs to be completed to get success with your challenge. It even comes with a “30 Day Action Plan” that will show you how to go from “toolkit buyer” to “successful launcher” in the next 30 Days!
BONUS #2 - The Facebook Ads Cheat Sheet & Swipe File
Amplifying the results of your challenge requires Facebook Ads! Get a cheat sheet on every ad that you’re going to set up and run so you have a quick reference anytime you head into the ads manager. PLUS, I’m throwing in my swipe file with ads from past challenges, retargeting, and more for inspiration - never start at an empty ads manager again!
BONUS #1 - The Complete Launch Checklist & 30 Day Action Plan
When it comes to launching, there are a LOT of moving pieces, and you don’t want to miss anything. From testing your tags, to writing emails, to automating said emails - this challenge launch checklist is a complete list of EVERY task that needs to be completed to get success with your challenge. It even comes with a “30 Day Action Plan” that will show you how to go from “toolkit buyer” to “successful launcher” in the next 30 Days!
BONUS #2 - The Facebook Ads Cheat Sheet & Swipe File
Amplifying the results of your challenge requires Facebook Ads! Get a cheat sheet on every ad that you’re going to set up and run so you have a quick reference anytime you head into the ads manager. PLUS, I’m throwing in my swipe file with ads from past challenges, retargeting, and more for inspiration - never start at an empty ads manager again!
The Challenge Launch Toolkit
  • PHASE 1 - LEARN IT…………….……………..…………........... Value $147
  • ​PHASE 2 - BUILD IT…………...………………..…………......... Value $147
  • ​PHASE 3 - FILL IT…………………...…………..…………............Value $147
  • ​PHASE 4 - SELL IT……………………..………..…………...........Value $147
  • ​BONUS #1 - 30 Day Action Plan & Checklist……….Value $97
  • ​BONUS #2 - Ads Cheat Sheet & Swipe File………....Value $97
Today’s Price - ONLY $37
  • PHASE 1 - LEARN IT…………….... Value $147
  • ​PHASE 2 - BUILD IT.………......... Value $147
  • ​PHASE 3 - FILL IT…......…............Value $147
  • ​PHASE 4 - SELL IT…..……….........Value $147
  • ​BONUS #1 - 30 Day Action Plan & Checklist (Value $97)
  • ​BONUS #2 - Ads Cheat Sheet & Swipe Files (Value $97)
Today’s Price - ONLY $37
What’s The Guarantee On This?
You may be wondering, is this one of those “I have to submit a zillion worksheets and be on a bunch of calls to get my money back if this is a bad fit?” The answer is a big fat NO! Once you snag the toolkit you have a full 14-days to make sure it’s a fantastic fit for your business - if it’s not you just email support@heartsoulhustle.com and we give you a full no-questions-asked refund!
“After going through and taking action on Zach’s Challenge System I added 600 NEW people to my list, built a brand new Facebook group of RAVING fans, and as a direct result, I sold over $14,000 of group coaching. 


I’ve learned in a few short weeks how I can magic up a group of hungry buyers from thin air - purely by following some simple steps.”


- Laura Husson, Business Strategist

I’ve been running and teaching challenges for over 3 years. The reason is they work, period. If you’re on this screen it’s because you’ve considered a challenge for your business, and at this price point, you’re going to get a WEALTH of information to help you.
So why not take the leap?

You’re the expert in your field.

You’re ready for the big launch.

There’s no risk to get the toolkit - so don’t wait.  

Where will you be in 30 days?

So why not take the leap?

You’re the expert in your field.

You’re ready for the big launch.

There’s no risk to get the toolkit - so don’t wait.  

Where will you be in 30 days?

How Long Does It Take To Go Through The Toolkit…
You can get through the toolkit in terms of watching content and reading it in around 1-2 hours - but implementing the toolkit is a 30-60 day commitment. Launching doesn’t happen overnight, but it can be done on a short timeline. When you enroll you’ll also get a 30 day action plan that shows you how to use the toolkit over 30 days to move into RESULTS faster!
Is there a Facebook Group or Coaching Calls?

At this price point we don’t hold a Facebook Group or Coaching Call - I reserve that for my agency clients and 1:1 clients. If you feel like you need HIGH TOUCH support, you can always reach out to support@heartsoulhustle.com and we can share the options we offer for high-level coaching. This is a toolkit and video training designed to help facilitate your results.

How Long Do I Have Access?

When you join the toolkit, you get lifetime access - but isn’t that so intense, right - like who know where either of us will be later in our lifetime? Like what if I stop selling this product in 2-3 years, how is that lifetime? 

Well, if we ever had to close the membership portal we put all the files into a downloadable folder and send them to you. What you pay for today, you’ll retain access to.

Does this system work for me if I’m a…. pet psychic, herbalist, or something else uniqe!

PROBABLY. If you’re an online course creator or digital product owner then yes. We’ve worked with manifestation experts, designers, dog trainers, marketers, and more… This system is about creating demand for a product, then selling it. If that’s what you want to do, then we can help!

Is there a guarantee?

14-Days no questions asked, no “do-the-work”, we just ask that if you get value, you stick with us!

I don’t use LeadPages/Kajabi/Converkit/etc. - can I still use the toolkit?

The landing page templates will be via LeadPages, but you can use them for inspiration if you’re in another platform. At its core this is a SYSTEMS and PROCESS driven toolkit - the software is secondary, so don’t stress if you use something different.

I have a question I don't see answered…

No Sweat, just email support@heartsoulhustle.com and we’ll hook you up with an answer :)

Here’s The Real Truth…
I’ve developed a system that would easily (and has easily) sold for $1000+ - but I want to start reaching the MASSES with this message. More people deserve to get results without having to invest in a $997 course to get there. Don’t get me wrong, I love courses, I buy courses, heck I sold challenge courses for $1297 - but I also think if you’re getting started or just need some tools, it shouldn’t cost the world.

So I developed a toolkit that doesn’t need HOURS of video content from me, doesn’t have “coaching calls” that you can’t attend anyways, doesn’t cost a fortune, and gets you quick results.

So if you're ready to take some SERIOUS action…

“ Zach helped me believe in myself and helped me find the courage to get over my fear of emailing my list! I’ve been able to create and sell programs that I believe in and offer group coaching to help reduce my one-on-one client load!

Zach is amazing and he’s doing great work in the world! Zach, I feel like you gave me wings and helped me create more freedom in my business.

Our work together supported me in being able to help MORE people without adding MORE hours to my day and giving me the time and energy to be with my family and my little boy.”

-Celeste Frenette, Soulful Coach

“My Favorite Thing is that I have a system I can use over and over again! I’m not incredibly tech-y - but this system was SO easy to follow, and I’m excited to do it over and over again!

Both my FB & IG Accounts grew by 100+ the week of the challenge, I also added 350 new people to my email list! And perhaps the biggest change/accomplishment is that in 24 hours - we created $15,921 in revenue.  

The content is FRESH - it really works! AND it’s easy to implement - which I think is an issue for most entrepreneurs! It takes you through every step you need to make this a success!

-Alionka Polanco, Life + Success Coach

When I started with Zach, I basically only had an idea for an online course, but after working with him for only 3 months, I grew my list size from 23 sign ups to over 3,000 leads, I built out a full online course, I launched that online course, and made over $17,000 from my very first launch! Zach helped me with every step along the way from growing my list, building out my online course, setting up a launch plan, executing a very profitable webinar with over 950 sign ups and completing a $17k launch. Working with Zach was the best decision I have made for my business.

-Jamie Dana, Hairstlyist Coach

“ Zach helped me believe in myself and helped me find the courage to get over my fear of emailing my list! I’ve been able to create and sell programs that I believe in and offer group coaching to help reduce my one-on-one client load!

Zach is amazing and he’s doing great work in the world! Zach, I feel like you gave me wings and helped me create more freedom in my business.

Our work together supported me in being able to help MORE people without adding MORE hours to my day and giving me the time and energy to be with my family and my little boy.”

-Celeste Frenette, Soulful Coach

“My Favorite Thing is that I have a system I can use over and over again! I’m not incredibly tech-y - but this system was SO easy to follow, and I’m excited to do it over and over again!

Both my FB & IG Accounts grew by 100+ the week of the challenge, I also added 350 new people to my email list! And perhaps the biggest change/accomplishment is that in 24 hours - we created $15,921 in revenue.  

The content is FRESH - it really works! AND it’s easy to implement - which I think is an issue for most entrepreneurs! It takes you through every step you need to make this a success!

-Alionka Polanco, Life + Success Coach

When I started with Zach, I basically only had an idea for an online course, but after working with him for only 3 months, I grew my list size from 23 sign ups to over 3,000 leads, I built out a full online course, I launched that online course, and made over $17,000 from my very first launch! Zach helped me with every step along the way from growing my list, building out my online course, setting up a launch plan, executing a very profitable webinar with over 950 sign ups and completing a $17k launch. Working with Zach was the best decision I have made for my business.

-Jamie Dana, Hairstlyist Coach

The Challenge Launch Toolkit
The Challenge Launch Toolkit
  • PHASE 1 - LEARN IT…………….... Value $147
  • ​PHASE 2 - BUILD IT.………......... Value $147
  • ​PHASE 3 - FILL IT…......…............Value $147
  • ​PHASE 4 - SELL IT…..……….........Value $147
  • ​BONUS #1 - 30 Day Action Plan & Checklist (Value $97)
  • ​BONUS #2 - Ads Cheat Sheet & Swipe Files (Value $97)
Today’s Price - ONLY $37
  • PHASE 1 - LEARN IT…………….……………..…………........... Value $147
  • ​PHASE 2 - BUILD IT…………...………………..…………......... Value $147
  • ​PHASE 3 - FILL IT…………………...…………..…………............Value $147
  • ​PHASE 4 - SELL IT……………………..………..…………...........Value $147
  • ​BONUS #1 - 30 Day Action Plan & Checklist……….Value $97
  • ​BONUS #2 - Ads Cheat Sheet & Swipe File………....Value $97
Today’s Price - ONLY $37